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Advanced Search ('spaces' are designated by space )    
 Entering this...    finds jobs that have...
"homespacedepot"   the exact phrase 'home depot'
salesspacemedical imaging   sales with medical without imaging
salesspacemedicalspace+(imaging,radiograph)   sales with medical and imaging or radiograph
(depot,lowes)   depot or lowes
(depot,lowes)spaceoffice   depot or lowes without office
(depot,lowes)space +*mart   depot or lowes and anything with "mart" such as: Wal-Mart, Kmart, etc.
("officespacedepot","homespacedepot")   the exact phrase 'office depot' or the exact phrase 'home depot'
+retailspace@1spacedepotspacelowesspacesears   retail and at least one of the following list: lowes,depot, sears.